
PO Box 656
Lavington NSW 2641

AAAHP 9th National Conference

  • 24 Oct 2025
  • 6:30 PM (AWST)
  • 26 Oct 2025
  • 4:30 PM (AWST)
  • Esplanade Hotel Fremantle

Register Now

Early Bird

  • For AAAHP members only all registrants must have valid AAAHP membership to 01/07/26 No Social activities included. Additional registrants $150 each. Up to 10 extra registrants per entry. All registrants must be AAAHP members.
  • Early bird registration includes all social functions and 2 conference days. Additional registrants $250 each. Up to 10 extra registrants per entry. All registrants must hold full financial membership valid till 01/07/26
  • Both days of Conference Only, no social activities included. Additional registrants $350 each. Up to 10 extra registrants per entry.
  • Both days of Conference Only all social activities included. Additional registrants $500 each. Up to 10 extra registrants per entry.
  • Current Student member of AAAHP, (must meet Student financial membership status of AAAHP for 2025-2026 financial year to receive this pricing). All social activities included. Additional Student Registrants $200 each. Up to 10 extra registrants per entry. All Student Registrants must be financial student members of AAAHP.
  • For AAAHP life Members all activities included

Post Early Bird

  • For AAAHP members only must have valid membership to 01/07/26. No Social activities included. Extra registrants $350. Up to 10 extra registrants per entry. All must be current financial members of AAAHP.
  • All social activities plus 2 days of Conference. Extra Registrants $450.All registrants must be full financial members of AAAHP. Up to 10 extra registrants per entry.
  • Both days of Conference Only, no social activities included. Extra Registrants $450 each. Up to 10 extra registrants per entry.
  • Both days of Conference All social activities included. Extra Registrants $600 each. Up to 10 extra registrants per entry.
  • No social activities
  • No social activities
  • Official AAAHP Conference Dinner
  • Friday night Welcome reception

NOTE; When registering for the Conference all registration levels have the option of adding up to 10 delegates to the one registration (Conditions apply). All added delegates on the one registration will be charged at a significantly less rate this offering a significant saving. 

Register Now 

Attending from overseas ? (once you have registered for the conference and paid your fee, Contact the registrar , ,for an invitation letter. Please visit this site to apply for your Visa.



Registration is NOW OPEN

Australian Anaesthesia Allied Health Practitioners (AAAHP) invite you to register to participate in our National Conference which will be held over 2 consecutive days from the 25th-26th October 2025, with a Welcome reception to be held on the evening of the 24th of October, at the Esplanade Hotel Fremantle W.A.
The AAAHP National Conference offers a fantastic opportunity for you to develop networks and share professional peri anaesthesia knowledge, and clinical practice. The conference incorporates all levels of peri anaesthesia practice including pre- admission, Day Surgery, different modes of anaesthesia, and post anaesthesia care. The Fremantle conference theme will be “Then & Now” , which will be provided through various presentations, and group sessions.
AAAHP is excited to welcome you all to Fremantle which is the most eclectic and spirited seaside destination in the world. Fremantle or ‘Freo’ is Perth’s Old Town. It’s a maritime city with spirit and soul, full of vibrancy, colour and culture.
Chart a course through a coalescence of festivals, museums, UNESCO World Heritage, hundred-year-old markets and a soundtrack of sails and rigging in the sea breeze. Experience an otherworldly collision of musical and creative culture, and world class food and wine – discover why TIME calls Freo one of the World’s Greatest Places.
Meet local characters who will lead you on adventures through historic streets, hidden laneways and salty ports on your way to Rottnest Island.
It’s an adventure not found elsewhere in Australia; swim at a beach in the middle of the city and have a cocktail brought right to your sun lounge: then weave your way through boutique shops, small bars and street art in the middle of one of Australia’s largest heritage listed precincts.


Note: When booking accommodation, we recommend comparing the prices offered for the conference with the rate you may be able to obtain by joining the EVT loyalty program PGR/EVT STAYS (When promotions are live – there may be a better rate) 
EVT Stays is our loyalty program that is free to join, and we recommend signing up to ensure you receive all the best inclusions and deals.  




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